ArgParsing |
Batch |
BatchArrivalEvent |
Methods to treat the incoming of a Batch object.
BatchDepartureEvent |
Methods to treat the outgoing of a Flow object.
BulkData |
The BulkData class defines an object that can be thought of as a data amount transfer request
,going from a source node to a destination node within a specific deadline.
BulkDataArrivalEvent |
Methods to treat the incoming of a BulkData object.
BulkDepartureEvent |
Methods to treat the outgoing of a Flow object.
ControlPlane |
The Control Plane is responsible for managing resources and connection within
the network.
Core |
The Space Division Multiplexing Elastic Optical Network (SDM-EON) Core represents a Fiberlink core in an optical
network divided by slots.
DatacenterGroup |
EONLightPath |
EONLink |
The Elastic Optical Network (EON) Link represents a Fiberlink in an optical
network divided by slots.
EONPhysicalTopology |
Event |
Event objects have only one attribute: scheduled time.
EventScheduler |
The simulator's timeline is not defined by time itself, but by
Flow |
The Flow class defines an object that can be thought of as a flow
of data, going from a source node to a destination node.
FlowArrivalEvent |
Methods to treat the incoming of a Flow object.
FlowDepartureEvent |
Methods to treat the outgoing of a Flow object.
LightPath |
In an optical network, a lightpath is a clear optical path which may traverse
several links in the network.
Link |
Main |
The Main class takes care of the execution of the simulator,
which includes dealing with the arguments called (or not) on
the command line.
Modulation |
MultiPath |
MultiPathProtect |
MyStatistics |
OrdinaryEvent |
Methods to treat the outgoing of a Flow object.
The Optical Cross-Connects (OXCs) can switch the optical signal coming
in on a wavelenght of an input fiber link to the same wavelength in an
output fiber link.
Path |
A path is nothing more than a list of lightpaths.
PhysicalImpairments |
PhysicalTopology |
The physical topology of a network refers to he physical layout of devices on
a network, or to the way that the devices on a network are arranged and how
they communicate with each other.
SimulationRunner |
Simply runs the simulation, as long as there are events
scheduled to happen.
Simulator |
Centralizes the simulation execution.
Tracer |
Generates a trace file that contains information about what happened during
the simulation, such as arriving and departing flows, created lightpaths,
and accepted or blocked flows.
TrafficGenerator |
Generates the network's traffic based on the information passed through the
command line arguments and the XML simulation file.
VirtualTopology |
The virtual topology is created based on a given Physical Topology and on the
lightpaths specified on the XML file.
WDMLightPath |
WDMLink |
The Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) Link represents a Fiberlink in an
optical network.
WDMPhysicalTopology |